Sassy Inputs is a Sass mixin library designed to bring simple, uniform, unobtrusive styles to form input fields.
It aims to smooth out the differences in native form styling across browsers, by customizing input fields as much as is currently possible with pure CSS.
Sassy Inputs are customizable, fully keyboard operable, and include a disabled state.
To download from npm and save to your package.json:
npm install sassy-inputs --save
At the top of your Sass file, before you use any of the mixins:
@import "node_modules/sassy-inputs/sass/main";
You can use the sassy-text
mixin for most HTML5 plain single-line text fields, including email, password, number and URL.
input[type=text], input[type=url], input[type=email], input[type=password], input[type=number] { @include sassy-text; }
textarea { @include sassy-textarea; }
textarea { @include sassy-search; }
For select dropdowns, you will need to put your <select>
element in a wrapper, and apply the mixin to the wrapper instead:
<div class="select-wrap"> <select> <option value="option">Option 1</option> <option value="option">Option 2</option> <option value="option">Option 3</option> </select> </div>
.select-wrap { @include sassy-select; }
select[multiple] { @include sassy-select-multiple; }
Make sure your <input type="radio">
elements are written in this format, with the label after the input:
<input type="radio" id="radio1" name="groupname" value="thisvalue"> <label for="radio1">Radio button 1</label>
input[type=radio] { @include sassy-radio; }
Make sure your <input type="checkbox">
elements are written in this format, with the label after the input:
<input type="checkbox" id="check1" name="groupname" value="thisvalue"> <label for="check1">Checkbox 1</label>
input[type=checkbox] { @include sassy-checkbox; }
input[type=submit], input[type=button], button { @include sassy-button; }
Sassy Inputs use the following default variables:
$sassy-base-color: #777 !default; $sassy-accent-color: coral !default; $sassy-disabled-color: #eee !default;
To change a color, simply assign the variable before importing Sassy Inputs:
$sassy-accent-color: rgb(233, 206, 51); @import "node_modules/sassy-inputs/sass/main";